Eric Scott
Chief Master Sergeant, United States Army

Chief Master Sergeant Eric V. Scott serves as the Senior Enlisted Leader, 217th Air Intelligence Squadron, 217th Air Operations Group, 110th Wing, Battle Creek Air National Guard Base, Michigan. He advises the squadron commander on matters influencing the readiness, training, health, morale, welfare, and quality of life of over 40 officers and enlisted Airmen assigned.
Chief Scott enlisted in the United States Air Force in November 1989. Upon graduation from technical training, he served as a Munitions Systems Specialist, with assignments to Suwon Air Base, Korea and Wurtsmith Air Force Base, Michigan. In September 1992, Chief Scott was approved to PALACE CHASE from the Regular Air Force and transferred to the Michigan Air National Guard, with assignments to Selfridge ANGB and Battle Creek ANGB. In June 2009, due to mission realignments at Battle Creek, he was selected to cross train as an Operations Intelligence Analyst. Chief Scott has deployed in support of Operations NORTHERN WATCH, SOUTHERN WATCH, NOBLE EAGLE, IRAQI FREEDOM, FREEDOM’S SENTINEL, and INHERENT RESOLVE.