James C. Fausone
Lieutenant, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Jim Fausone, of Ann Arbor, Michigan, served in the U.S. NOAA on ship based in Seattle, Washington, in the late 1970s. He is a graduate of the University of Michigan College of Engineering and an honors graduate of the Gonzaga University School of Law. Jim is admitted before the U.S Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, United States Supreme Court, Michigan Supreme Court, as well as various Federal District Courts. Jim has built Legal Help for Veterans, PLLC into one of the premier veteran disability firms in the country and is an Accredited Attorney by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Fausone is the host and producer of VeteransRadio.org podcasts. He has worked closely with veteran service organizations and veteran-centric organizations. Jim is a frequent writer, blogger, and lecturer on veteran topics.