Stacey Isman
Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army (Retired)
Board Secretary

I am a Leader at heart. I am a critical thinker, always defining the “WHY” in situations. I am always looking for ways to improve the current situation or tasks that I am given. I am fair, consistent and I believe that everyone has a voice and can add value. I am well-sought after from my peers for advice and I have an open-door policy for my subordinates.
Lieutenant Colonel (retired), US Army, Michigan National Guard with 29 years of service. Served on Active duty (1990-1997). Michigan National Guard (1997-2019). Served as the Inspector General for the 46th Military Police Command. HHD, Commander 210th MP Battalion. Platoon Leader, 1776th MP Company. Transportation Officer, Joint Forces HQs. Special Security Officer, US Army Pacific Command. Administrative Specialist, 4th SOSC (TA)(Abn) and 4th PSYOPS (Abn). One combat deployment to support OEF-Afghanistan and one Non-combat deployment in support of Operation Noble Eagle. Oversees training assignments in Thailand, Guam and Okinawa, Japan. Participated in one humanitarian relief mission in response to Hurricane Katrina in 2005.
Served as a member of the Junior League of Detroit. Received the Bronze Star, Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation medal (3rd award), Army Achievement Medal (2nd award), Army Good Conduct Medal (2nd award), National Defense Service Medal (2), Humanitarian Service Medal, Michigan Broadsword (4 stars), Parachutist Badge, Thai Airborne Wings. Works as a Postmaster for the US Postal Service with additional duties as the District Workplace Environment Improvement Specialist, Employee Assistance Program member, and the Detroit District CFC Coordinator. Bachelor Science/Business Management Bachelor Science/Military Science